Top Surgery Sessions


Undergoing a major surgery of any kind requires preparation to set up the body & mind well for optimal healing. One excellent way to prepare for gender-affirming top surgery is bodywork.

All the techniques I use for these treatments are very gentle, non-invasive, restorative and used with light pressure. Some of the most effective and deep work is done through a conversation with your body and listening to what it desires for healing. With a combination of light lymphatic drainage and massage, these treatments are very successful in expediting the recovery process pre and post op.

The Series of Sessions was created to prepare and empower the body for the best healing possible. I am happy to share methods with you to use on your own so you can assist your body in it's own healing process outside of the treatment table.

Whether you are 2 days post op or 10 years, your body can benefit tremendously from scar tissue work. Scars start forming within hours of surgery and if they are not attended to, can lead to an interconnected web of stiffness and discomfort.

Benefits of scar tissue and lymph work include: increasing range of motion, the regaining of nerve sensation and the reduction of pain or swelling. The body tends to respond well to the frequency of work within the series, as the body has a brilliant way of remembering subtle shifts which can provide expedited healing and positive lasting results. 

What the sessions look like:

1st session: 60 or 90 minutes (pre or post op)

We will do a brief intake as well as a health history review, what outcomes you hope for in our work together and crafting of a treatment plan together.

The bulk of our work will be on the treatment table. I use a variety of bodywork styles tailored for your specific healing. If it has been a while since you’ve had a massage, a 90 minute appointment leading up to surgery can provide some extra time for us to assist your muscles in unwinding and create some ease so your body can rest comfortably while in recovery.

In this series of session, 1-2 pre-op sessions are recommended one week before surgery and then a day or two before surgery. In these pre-top surgery sessions, the chest muscles, ribs, sternum, shoulders, neck and surrounding areas will be addressed to ensure the tissues are properly ‘loosened up’ to prepare your body for the surgery. One method I incorporate is light manual lymphatic drainage to assist your lymph flow into the proper channels with the goal being to reduced any extra swelling. I will often show you how to do your own lymph drainage at home to minimize swelling between our sessions if desired.

Post Surgery Sessions:

Another method we will incorporate is Scarwork. Scar tissue is a fascinating and brilliant mechanism of the body however if it is not addressed it can begin to lay down roots that can become troublesome down the round especially with range of motion issues and nerve impingement.

Depending on how far you are out from surgery we will either work on the actual scars themselves if they are ready for work (usually 8 weeks post-op or more). If it’s before the 8 week mark we will work on the tissue around the scars. The earlier we start the work the better in order to help nerves regain sensation and restore your full range of motion. Scar work however can be very effective at any stage up to and including fully healed scars.

Cupping: this is a great method that I occasionally use around your scars, ribcage, sternum and pecs which allows for more spaciousness in the torso creating fuller breath. This helps lift up the scars and tissue around the scars in an effective way. I will also show you how to use this method on your own with silicone cups so you can massage your scars at home between our sessions.

All the techniques I use for these treatments are very gentle, non-invasive, restorative and with light pressure. Some of the most effective and deep work is done through a conversation with your body and listening to what it desires for healing.

Sessions 2-6: 60 or 90 minutes:

Will include most of the techniques mentioned above including Myofascial techniques which work hand in hand with scar tissue release. Your body will begin to recognize the patterns and respond in a very uplifting way. This work is hugely transformative!

*I also offer less frequent sessions if you prefer to come in one-time/monthly/etc. Although frequency is good initially to get your body warmed up, the work is very effective in any capacity.